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How to Apply for Weatherization

The steps below walk your through the application process from start to finish.

Before You Apply

Step One
Check the Income Guidelines

If you receive SSI, AABD, or TANF benefits, you automatically qualify!

Make sure you meet the income guidelines:

Household SizeAnnual Household Income
1 $30,120
Step two
Get Your Documents Ready
  • State issued ID or driver’s license for the head of the household
  • Proof of social security numbers for all household members:
    • Social security card
    • Letter of printout from social security. You can get yours at
    • Any other government-issued identification showing name and social security number. Tax returns do not count.

 These must be your most recent bills. Here are a few examples:


The following documents should be for the 30 days prior to when you apply. Proof of income must be provided for all household members 18 years and older.

All of the following counts as income:

Earned wages: Need to provide check stubs with your name, gross check amount, and pay date

Unemployment benefits: IDES statement

Self-employment earnings: Documented proof of income, 30 days of receipts

Monthly benefits: SSA/SSI income letter, Pension letter, TANF / AABD / GA letter from DHS

Any additional income: Rental income, etc.

If you earned no income, please fill out our zero-income affidavit.


Accepted Documents (please provide one): Current property tax bill (example provided), current mortgage statement, recorded deed with seal, mobile home title

Unacceptable Documents: Bank statements, reverse mortgage, recorded deed without seal, typed personal letters


Call and intake site to apply via phoneCALL US!

You can apply from the safety of your home! Call your nearest partner intake site to start the process. Once you finish speaking with a representative, they will email or mail you any additional forms you need to complete your application.

Send in Documents

After you apply at an intake site, you have 15 days to send in your documents. There are three ways to reach us:

  • Email [email protected].
  • Fax your documents, including a cover sheet with your name and address. Our fax number is (312) 795-1260.
  • Mail documents with your name and address to:
    CEDA – ATTN: Weatherization
    567 W. Lake Street, Suite 1200
    Chicago, IL 60661

Next Steps

It may take up to 30 days for your application to be reviewed. After that, we will mail you a letter saying if you were approved or denied.

If you are approved, you will be placed in line for home weatherization. Please note, we do prioritize homes with disabled individuals, the elderly, or children.

Our team will call you once we are ready to start the weatherization process on your home!

You may be eligible for other programs

Please review our Find Services page to learn more.